Privacy policy and cookies

Kolmiopalvelu Oy's Marketing and Customer Register Privacy Statement 8.9.2018

Data Controller:

Kolmiopalvelu Oy
Luolakalliontie 13
21420 Lieto

Contact Person for Register-Related Matters:

Antero Nuutinen,

Register Name:

Kolmiopalvelu Customer Register

We process the information of our customers and potential customers in the register.

Purpose of Processing Personal Data:

The data is used for managing customer relationships, targeted customer communications, and improving the user experience of Kolmiopalvelu's websites. Additionally, the data is used for marketing purposes.

Our legal basis for processing data for marketing purposes is legitimate interest, and for managing the customer relationship, it is the fulfillment of the contract between you and us. We also send you direct marketing communications electronically based on your consent.

The Register May Contain the Following Information:

  • Person's name, phone number, email address, and title/responsibility area
  • Organization's name, contact details, and industry
  • Information related to customer relationship management and communication
  • Information related to web behavior on Kolmiopalvelu's websites and services
  • Marketing and promotional information, such as marketing actions targeted at the data subject and participation in them (e.g., events)
  • Technical data and cookies sent to the data subject's browser and related information

We do not conduct profiling or automated decision-making concerning users.

Sources of Data in the Register:

The collection of data is based on a customer relationship or another connection to Kolmiopalvelu. We collect data when you enter into a contract with us, contact us, or use our services. We primarily collect personal data from you directly.

We also monitor cookies. Cookies provide us with measurable information about our visitors, which we use, for example, in planning our marketing. This way, we can target our communication as accurately as possible. Read more about cookies below.

Data Disclosure:

Recipients of personal data:

  • Payment service provider who processes your payment
  • Accounting firm that records your orders in our accounting
  • Auditor who audits our accounts
  • Company that maintains our website and digital marketing

Data is not disclosed to third parties for marketing purposes.

Transfer of Data Outside the EU or EEA

We may use service providers for processing personal data who may have access to personal data from outside the EU/EEA, such as the United States. We ensure that the services are implemented in compliance with data protection laws.

Register Security and Retention Period of Personal Data

We respect the confidentiality of your personal data. Only authorized personnel have access to the register's data.

We retain personal data only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes of processing. The Accounting Act or other applicable laws may require data to be retained for longer than the aforementioned period. Outdated and unnecessary data will be destroyed appropriately.

You Have the Following Rights:

  • The right to inspect your personal data
  • The right to correct your data
  • The right to restrict processing (e.g., you can prohibit marketing)
  • The right to object to processing
  • The right to withdraw consent (e.g., you can withdraw your consent to marketing)
  • The right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority

Please note that you have the "right to be forgotten" only if we have no legal obligations to continue processing your personal data.

Our newsletter contains a legal link that allows you to block direct mailings.

You must send requests concerning your rights in writing or by email to the following contact details:

Inspection/Other Request Concerning Personal Data

Changes to the Privacy Statement:

Our up-to-date privacy statement can be found here. We will update it as necessary.


What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the user's computer or other device during website use.

The cookies used on our website help improve the user experience, collect statistics on visitor numbers, and help target advertising. The information collected by cookies is anonymous, and users cannot be personally identified based on this information.

Cookie Management

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. However, cookies can be managed, deleted, and/or blocked from the browser settings. Cookie management varies depending on the browser used. More detailed instructions for managing cookies can be found in the help section of the browser used (usually under the Help, Tools, or Edit menu).

Blocking or disabling cookies may affect the website's functionality.

Instructions for managing and deleting cookies in different browsers: